Friday, March 7, 2008

Nothing Gonna Get Me Down!

Well its day 2 as a new bloggie (lol). 

i woke up at 9:15 when my boyfriend texted me this morning..usually i would be pretty aggravated when i get woke up like this on my day to sleep in but this morning it was the total opposite. I was very happy to be woken up and especially by him. You may ask why?

Well after trying to go back to sleep at 6 am this morning i stumbled upon a dreadful dream. I was with James (my BF) and we were at someone house when all of a sudden i had found out that he had been talking to this gril friend of his from the past and had ended up cheating on me with her. When i confronted him about it he agreed with me and then started saying how he was going to get back together with her b/c she wanted to date him and have a real relationship with him. I then asked him (while i was balling my eyes out) "what are we not dating, am i not your girlfriend" He replied "not any more" He then started yelling at me saying how i was bratty all the time and how he never wanted to talk or see me again and that he was through with me and my attitude. (which made me cry even more, i thought i was never gonna quite, i thought this was the worst thing that could ever happen to me) 

His new gf then came up to me acting all high on the pedal stool and reminded how i just had got dumped and she would be replacing me. Well james' mom was bringing in a cake for some reason (you know how dreams are always changing all the time) and she fell with it, making the cake smash right into the ground. Well my being totally destuct i ran over to the cake and as soon as i was going to throw the cake at the new gf and James i woke up. And i woke up to the voice of my prince charming, :) I told him all about the dream and he told me not to worry, that it was just a dream.  I told him that all i wanted to do right then was to just grap him and hold him as he could tell by the sound of me that i was shookin  up and about to cry he relpied back by saying "babe i want to hold you always." Talk bout the sweetest thing that you could ever tell a women. He really knows how to make me fell better and Im totally crazy about him LOL!

 BUT anyways today i was suppose to go to the movies and dinner with my, brother, mother, grandmother, and boyfriend but i don't think this plans are going to be sticking around. First of all my grandmother is be praying for her...and then all over the news its calling for a big snow storm...anywhere from 4-6in and maybe more. So we sure don't want to be out in all that mess tonight but I'm a hoping that it wont start until a lil later so that i can have some fun with the family! 

With all this snow that a coming it makes me want to go snow skiing and boarding.....i usually go with my family every year but we didn't make it this year. I attempted to go about 3 weeks again but after going down 1 & 1/2 slops snowboarding i fell and cut my head open. I spent the rest of the day in the ER. But i wont let that stop me from a going back, i had a blast even tho it was kinda tragic. 

See the devil really tries to get at me by these bad dreams, plans being ruined and tragic event but i know that my God is bigger than him so i have nothing to worry about.

Well my hunny is about to get here so i will holla at you all later with more of a report! ;)


Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

Meg...I'm so sorry that I didn't get to meet James today. I'm feeling better now, so thank you for your prayers.

It's sleeting really hard right now and the ground is covered with a coating of white sleet. Be careful tomorrow morning and stay in.
Pray for Matt because he has to be in your town by 7:am to work at the fire station on Keenland Dr....pray that he gets there safely.

It's after midnight and I'm dipping into the candy bowl and I bet that you're still talking with your BF.

I laughed at your dream and I bet you woke up mad at him this morning. Good thing James called and woke you up or you would have stayed upset about your dream until you talked to him and got his reassurance.

Anonymous said...

Bad dreams just try to steal your joy .James is so sweet and we all love him, so I'm glad you have a man you can trust, so to speak truth over those dreams when you wake up. Tell the devil you trust James 100% so he can get lost.